Sunday, June 14, 2009
~ eilsest:


these are the times, when i seek refuge.
why am i going trough this here ´n alone?

"all are dealt as much as they can carry"
i still believe in that sentence
i make my choices and shall bare
the responsibility for my actions

for he looked so beautiful in that light
all mellow, soft and tender
a lake in a rainfall...

i have dreamed so much and of so many
he came and now it seems -
he is counting my dreams on his fingers..
´n making them come true

so why should i fear?!
i believe, that i can carry all what is dealt on me
and i guess there should come time,
when i can believe in him

my refuge is my peace of mind
facing all without hiding

*come in, Fear and Doubt
there are Faith and Hope -
sit down at the white table
and let the conversation begin
i will be back soon with lemons for the tea*
Catomoni jälgedes ;)
eile oli hullem päev. täna olen lihtsalt laisk.
lõunaajal helistati ja paluti teisipäeva õhtu vabaks teha - saab metsameestega Lõuna-Eestit avastama mindud.
homme äratus neljast.. ph.. kolmest :P väljasõit neljast -> Kihnu.
lets see what the new week brings!

About Me Seen and Unseen