Tuesday, April 24, 2012

In the café

They sat down, gave the waitress their orders and started talking. "A lovely café, reminds me of a bistro. There´s a ..." , she paused, searching for words, "a nostalgic feeling". He smiled and answered, that she had stated the reason why this place is his favorite. "Pies too, like homemade - sounds tacky, but tastes good". - "Truly like a leap out of time," and she added with a gesture towards the hat, now on the table, "like your outfit, when I may point out". He smiled again, a bit wider this time, showing white healthy teeth and explained: "we try to make things a bit relaxed trough little things like this - we have a Monroe day at work today, so.. I went trough the closets and fixed something together. I guess I do look peculiar." - "No, not at all. You look handsome, this look suits you" she replied with a smile. He raised his eyes and looked at her. A pretty woman, near his own age, curly light brown hair set in a bun. A pleasing face, what lighted up when she smiled and he started to say , that her smile suits her, but he was interrupted by the waitress. Two cups of coffee, a beefsteak and a blueberry pie. "Bon appetit!" she said raising her cake fork, - "To you too, I hope you enjoy it" and started eating his steak.

In a bustling street

Hazy. A memory of hazel

Eyes just opened. Too bright, closed. Opened again. A cityscape, people, a lot of them, moving. Sunny weather. "Wh... " - "Elsa Franks?". A voice, behind her. She turned around and saw the owner of that voice - a man in his early thirties with a hat. With a white ribbon. "Yes", she answers. "I apologize for arranging our meeting in a place like this. We are very busy at work, barely have time to have lunch.. what reminds me that it is lunchtime. Would you mind to join me? There is a café over there, on the other side of the street." She agreed to accompany him and so they went. Cars driving by, sun reflecting on the window screens.

Mida ma kirjutan

"Kahe võitleva poole, protagonistide ja antagonistide vahelisest suhtest Maailma valitsuse seisukohast on seoses ühega kolmest oni lapsest, Portgas D. Ace´iga kirjutatud:
"Selgus, et ta jagas sama saatust Nico Robin´i ja Luffy´ga - ainuüksi tema eksistents oli Maailma valitsusele patt, olles "maailma suurima kurjuse" laps." (Portgas D. Ace. Relationships. Enemies. World Government)
""Maailma suurima kurjuse" last" on nimetatud anime´s One Piece ka oni lapseks (jp oni no ko) ning kuna nendest oni lastest on samuti saanud keskvõimu vastased ehk oni´d, on võimalik seostamine üldisema oni motiiviga Jaapani ajaloos ja folklooris."

:P :D lohisev, ma tean... ja muu värk ka, oh.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Stiilinäide nr 2

just a funny typo sentence:
sadistic avil peple

yeah, what am I writing... ;D

Poetic Animation

For a few days or more I have wanted to share, but forgotten to share an experience here .. it was and is, because I am constantly rewatching it due to my circumstances watching an animated film, a Bleach movie Fade to Black: I Call Your Name. I love Bleach, so naturally Bleach movies too, but this one after some time not watching Bleach and it´s movies striked me as poetic. The scene of Homura appearing in front of Rukia, Rukia waking up in Inuzuri, the battle in Kuchiki Byakuya-sama´s garden amidst blue flowers under a full moon and even the "white snakes" with their moving and flowing at the same time ETC. There is a constant rhythm and a constant tone which is a sensation of sadness, what can be traced to the death of two children and to me, the dismal Rukongai.
To say, that I liked it.. to say, that it is my favourite.. is an understatement. I haven´t had such a aesthetically .. strong experience for.. a very long time.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Better later than never
can cope with the way too early
with the everywhere nowhere now
Tears drying in my eyes
laughter piles up and lips curve
Phantasms and fantasy
fragments of dreamtime remembered
scrambled up and given shape
- this me, out of time

Thursday, April 19, 2012


While reading about OP I get stronger and stronger sensations of it´s story´s connections to World War 2. Mh some people say, that tv and such stuff are bad, that one should turn off the tv and start living. I agree with them to some degree, what to me is this doorstep into my current state. Meaning the sensation of having gained a 3rd - 1st the mainstream normal, my country and the ones we´re allied with, 2nd the Japan met trough uni - look for this world around me trough anime, what is a reflection of those 2 (1st via connections with USA) plus an itch, what I am scratching = my essays. So in a way I am not as detached from the screen, but viewing this world, the living (the world of the living, Bleach :P :D) and analyzing it. I do want to be "living" more, but yeah, a uni student - at least I get to wrk with something I really like. :D
They say, make your hobby your work. & that psychological analysis may take away the wish to watch anime for some time :P :D Willing to take the risk, b´cause the possibility of the positive outcome overweights the bumps in the way - to my dream. I can´t find the source.. but Luffy says something like if you have followed your dream, gained it and it seems not to meet your expectations, one should not say that the dream was worthless.. the following I do not remember.. I do remember my own thoughts while watching it - one should make it perfect, work for it. Smart guy :D

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A Piece

of My World


mostly focusing on the standard story and the "Momotarou paradigm" chapters & of course, connections with OP :D


5000 PAGEVIEWS! Arigatou!

Nice, realllllllllly

Funny... I mentioned taking a break from watching Naruto, in the form of not wanting to do it, in my last post and now I have it - meaning, that I have crossed my "reasonable Internet usage" limit and have limited usage now - slow connection, watching anime impossible. Till the end of this month. Pretty convenient or not.. my OP paper........ OK, more time/ attention to school stuff, but still.. OP - I´ll manage it somehow AND I sort of have a triumph card as a last resort - a home base with a big screen ;D Lucky me. Really. About the crossed limit - half a month, 211 episodes... :) yeah. Tells something about me, I guess. Anyways, must wrk. Sleepy, but still. A little :P :D All good to You, bye :)
Oh, almost forgot to mention - B FtB ICYN "Bonds" - I drew today :D

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

EE, N, Ero-sennin??!

Paus EE´st (excessive essey) ja mh jah :D Naruto´st, mitte et ma sellest teisest puhata tahaksin :) Nimelt tänasesse jääb ka nö ame episood ja tõden, et midagi SELLIST pole ma veel näinud :P :D Eilseste episoodide seas oli ühes tsitaat, mida ma väga vajasin, bakemono. Esseest.. sellega on aega läinud, kuna tundsin pidevalt millegi olemasolu, üht probleemi... ja jah, nagu päikest pilvede tagant, või õigemini - maastikku. Minu jaoks on iga anime episood kui tükk selle maastiku kaardist, seega.. vaatan. Lisaks - see teeb mind õnnelikuks. Nojaaaaaaaaaaaaah enam pole väljas ei liuväljakuid ega ujutust, seega saan rohkem väljas liikuma hakata nagu eile. Käisin "kõrvalhoovis" :P ehk Kadrioru pargis ja sain kevadlaksu - sinine taevas, krookused, paljuuuu inimesi, paljuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu kuldtähti metsa all õitsemas ja kirss selle hää otsa - mu selle aasta esimene liblikas :D Seda õnnetunnet ei oska muud moodi edasi anda kui - minge õue :D
OK, praegu on natuke märg, aknataga soliseb ja ... veider, kõrvu kostaks justkui linnulaulu. Üleväsimus vist :)
Nii, tagasi tööle, natuke veel ja siis magama. Teile - head ööd! :D

PS päris oni moodi kohe ep 207, sisemise kurjuse alistamine, sellest tuleva jõuga unistuste täitmine.. is this really .. real?????!! meanig too good of course :P

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Db 13

Ta istus, pea kätel, ümber raamatuvirnad, ees üürikud, üürikud ka maas, laua ees. Kohvitass, teekruus, taldrik pooliku võileivaga, määrdunud kauss - chili con carne´st jäljed, üsnagi puhtaks tõmmatud, saiaga.. saiapuru näha. Elujäljed. Kas ta magab... ei oska enam öelda, ta on mujal ka ärkvel olles. Ta sees on maailm, mis ta ümber ja ees. Sõna. Sõnades toodud sõnumid. Neid virnu enam pole, on tolmunud riiuliservad ja vaikivad seljad; üürikud seal, kust tema nad leiab. Ei ole tedagi. Ta tõstis ükspäev pea ja avas silmad, mis nüüd vanemad, kuid teravamad tunduvad. Need... mis lõikasid vereni seda noorte vihaste silmadega noormeest.. ei, kurbadega. Oli tema ju sama kurbust tundnud. Ta andis küsijale oma vastuse, tehku too selle teadmisega seda mida soovib. Kurbus ja hirm. Vanad silmad. Sõnades südamete sõnumid. Kõik, sõna. Ta lõi akna lahti. Karm, impulsiivne löök kui hoop, aga aken ei purunenud - tuppa tuli värske õhk, läppunud kõhklused hajusid avali ruumis. Liblikas lendas mööda. "Haruldane", mõtlesid vist nad mõlemad, kaks nii üks.

There was a good song, so I made a break in watching Naruto :P :D

live open
wings spread
soaring high
the world keeps on turning
after your gone
but the world in you is lost
to me it is like a sun set...
someone will definitely
pick up your red thread
the dream lives on
for dawn follows the night
in the dark night
faith is the stars
guiding our way
all a shred different
i wish to believe
in one heart and soul
peace, love, dreams
the journey eternal
feeling the heartbeat in your chest
beating, connected with bonds
hands, feelings, flowing life
trough you, the loved, live
in hearts soaring high



hitokakera, fragments of Earth



Midnight. Swift and foolish

Writing THE essay again... along the way jotting down similarities of the top 5.. OK started Naruto from the anime beginning, so... sort of top 5 :P Had trouble with watching it in the beginning b´cause of the different color scheme, used to brighter stuff. Anyways the similarities are great, same motifs occur. Scary thoughts though.. aches inside, but thats life - the pain of living, blood coursing trough a once icy shell. Blue means cold to me, btw. So.. feeling odd, but OK, sort of. Scared a drunkard sober earlier, probably.. side effects. Will cope :D No worries mate, the sun is still up there not down here, so OK. & people are resourceful, I believe. Bye ;D

Friday, April 6, 2012

Angel Blue

stuff welling up in my head.. memories... blood turned blue. Anyways, wore my spring coat again today, + 6 C and "finished" Fairy Tail, started Naruto. The 1st ending gets under my skin, deep. Odd. Or not. I guess it really is the time.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Fairy Tail, One Piece

Positive WT*: Gildarts ja Shanks :P :D

There Has Been A Change!

Different. Yesterday I just looked outside.. today I had a walk in this April-winter wonderland. It was so sunny. Then I got it - the sun. The sun is higher now, it has got much hotter and the snow is just like it was, it can´t harden or get colder.. it is spring! Nothing can change that, the snowy coat will soon melt away and I will soon see my dear snow lilies in our garden :)

~~meaning: The old fears can´t touch me now! :D

Monday, April 2, 2012

Serious relationships, not flings _ of Seasons

Snowing. In the beginning of April. At this moment. One thing I did not except. Yearning for more flowers, summer, wearing thinner and thinner clothes. Snow. Wet. The walking paths in the nearby park had finally dried up, making it easy to walk - getting home with dry feet, I mean. Most of my boots leak, so.. trouble. A lot of schoolwork. Too much. Bad news (codename: 6th floor). Talking about thing left long unspoken, soon. A bit afraid. A week has passed from the beginning of someone´s adventure - she has cherry blossoms there, jealous. Really. & One Piece reminding me. Green with jealousy. Green.. no green here. Masshiro. Snow, leaky boots, no cherry blossoms, absurd theater of life as always. Talking.. chills. Several kind of them. Need to add firewood. Still snowing, small flakes, pretty thick layer on the ground. Seriously - like Christmas.. a week before Easter... Nature :D

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Imede ootel

Eile oli lolitade meisterdamisõhtu, kus sõprade abiga meisterdasin minagi midagi lolitalikku, nimelt chocker´i. Karamellikarva kratsiva 2 puudu oleva paela ja kleidiga. Ehk kunagi ;) & üleliigne ehk enesestmõistetav: seltskond oli fantastiline, nagu ka toit - Tuule special muffinid ja Duckie :P :D sushisussid ;D Arigatou!

About Me Seen and Unseen