Thursday, January 26, 2012

Kellegi vana, kellegi uus

... ehk ostsin sõbrannalt arvuti ja olen rahul, klaviatuuri ja programmide tundmaõppimine võtab küll natuke aega, aga saan hakama. Tore on. Aitäh ;}

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Messy stuff

I spoke my most epical lines yesterday and I managed to end the with "I must go wash my nose" and that is so me. Anyways, I´m glad, even though it ended up as a faulty perfection.

Again - at home, some plans, some problems, some promises and a new year - btw I do not believe in an "end" in general, I think that one thing becomes an other like paper to ash, ash to soil and so one.

Changes. A test of the heart. I try not to fear or judge or curse, I don´t want to. What is, is. Things can change, we can make different choices. Overcome our fear, hate, dissappointment. Change slowly, but deeply within ourselves and not beause someone is agitating us to become something else.. I think that we all have a rhythm of our own and forcing another rhythm on us could be wrong. People time flowers to bloom on the time they want them to bloom for profits. Somehow it scratches me inside. But I do buy flowers from the florists and I like them. Such beauty. Yet having a old fashioned flower garden is a dream of mine.. but it needs time, place, hard work, patience. I´m not patient enough... . The fear and promises feel like fertilizers in order to get quick results.

The want must be born within , freewillingly. Otherwise the changes remain skin-deep and not perminent. So thinks a pretty foolish .. person. :P :D

Good luck, Shamrock ;) :D

ps I think this cake needs open mindedness more than fear, as it needs honesty and courage to face whatever comes across and whatever lies inside and love more than hate. I may be way off mark.. but can´t tell once it is ready :D

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wishing upon a Dream

The high is gone and I am left feeling alone and foolish. Desperate. I have enhanced rules for myself and I am following them. Burning on the inside, mostly. But I do feel like falling apart, but I am not letting myself do it. B´cause I do not feel safe. So my greatest wish remains - a day when it is.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

In A WaterFall

getting soaked
for as long as i can stand it
inserting a new beat to my heart
to dance with new steps
fire to my soul and the soles of my feet
so i could leave the known
for a swift turn in freedom
and return with eyes fresh
a smile what truly is a smile
so.. it is 10 lifetimes of
too much and yes, just what I need
to catch the riverflow
back to the tears, the spring
change the course and try again
following a feeling
of having seen it all, believing
in change of all
in the wisdom and depth of faith
for life is love
and love flows free like a river
even if set in stone

Monday, January 16, 2012

The right to be Safe

The last day of homestudy, tomorrow I am off to flunk an exam and after that hopefully pass one too. Yeah, the capital feels less like home than my Mom´s house - in a small town by a small forest on a relatively small island with a TV and a fully operating functioning computer and a dog. & I really love my Mom. & every view of those windows. Incredible.. I have stayed here most of the time last .. month, a month. Probably one of the longest stays since I started uni and RAK too.. wintertime of course. One of the hardest too, my granny´s heart attack and.. she is in the hospidal now, again. A cold, yes.. but a cold after a heart attack. It is a dark subject, b´cause I ´ve never been on the best of terms with her and I am not the only one. She is a tough stubborn lady, who can make things hard. OMG the genes! So that explains my ... characteristics. But still she is dear to me and I wouldn´t let anyone hurt her. Old people can be tough to handle, they can make things hard for themselves and those around them, but they deserve to be safe from harm. Most important - to be happy, but yes.. not on the cost of everybody´s misery around them. Now I can understand some things that I used to puzzle over.. and I want to be happy and bring happiness into the lives of those around me, but.. I still have the right to be upset, angry and sad and the right to show it. Struggle trough the hard times and see the world brighten up like nature does after rain. Oh, I must go study. & my power playlist is about done too, Bink´s Sake is about to end. Done :D Cya!

~~Evening~~ (the earlier was written.. earlier) ~~ I am setting up a homestudy day for tomorrow, feels great :D

Thursday, January 12, 2012


That was my plan at the start, but finally I felt that this way of thinking
was definitely a sign of the part of me that hates people; that it’s okay
if the people you don’t like don’t exist. Now especially, I think we are
getting deeper into that situation, so I thought we have to get rid of
this idea that comes from this part of us that thinks that people rather
than God can punish mistakes. (p. 31)

Hayao Miyazaki´s words regarding his epic Princess Mononoke and letting Eboshi live, although the original idea was having her killed. From an article, which abstract can be found

Yes, me cruising in Miyazaki´s world listening to One Piece´s openings and LOVING IT! :D

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Bleach. Palju naermist. Rõõm. Enne... natuke kurb. Preagu on nagu tiivad antud, jälle ;)

Monday, January 9, 2012

kell on 12 läbi - mida iganes! ;D

kell on 12 läbi - mida iganes! :D mina vaatan kenasti One Piece osa ära ja siis seda, kas õpin enne v pärast und :P :D sai mõned tunnid tagasi joodud shokolaadi ja metsapähklitega kakaod ning oldud heas selstkonnas ;D lisaks veel õnn, et leidsin oma konspektirägastikust vajaliku = me very happy :D rõõmu soovides,

Friday, January 6, 2012

love free like a river

love free like a river flows
to you, my sea
everything and everyone
everywhere everytime
i see in you
your eyes locked in mine
as we walk together
trough everything that comes across
like a river love washes away all bad
and brings us to see all good
so hold my hand and love
love, love me free like a river
you´re my sea, my river, my love
let´s walk, let´s love love love free

Ühele Haldjakesele, kes idee andis ;D

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Luminating Apple

& "Luminating" probably is not a word, but I still like it :D plus, rules.. some can be softly broken :)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Whites have a cold

... all 3 of us here, the 4th is feeling better or just saying so, to avoid mom fretting over it. And yes, I should be and am studying for my exams, just a pack of Kleenex an hour :D Some lucky ones can sleep, other must work and waste their lunch break on getting and delivering medicine - for me, of course, Bittner that is. Feeling a bit bad about it, but yeah. Life. So.. retiring again. The form of potential. :D

~~a BIG Bittner! I asked for the small one, but yeah - 3 sick people :)

~~prepearing herbal tea with even more herbs and 40% alcohol, not for kids :D

~~Mängib: MIKA - Grace Kelly with Inka

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