Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Dancer´s Monologue

to be all
no hidin´in shadows nor light
to rawr and to kiss gently
the forehead of the other
rain like always dreamed
bloom in all of one´s will
and face the chances of being a fire
raging and destroying
behind the mask of kindness
i may, and still
i live
with all my might
for storms are storms
rain is rain, snow, ice
fire, earth, dirt, green
beast and man, myth and real
science and talks with the elements
metal and water, brain and heart
black and white, gentle and cruel
is of my head, and i want to be heart
a darkness flaming in fire of change
promises of day take the heat
these flames are not ment to burn
for head to meet the heart
i risk and flow
tearing away
disappearing to appear
in a truer form
is a dance eternal towards
one´s self, the
only one, a soul kind
and wild

Days For Truths

A Song For The Kitten

~~ soothe the little heart, Life, my bestest friend

Thursday, September 27, 2012

~ ^the kitten´s song^~

White kitten Masshiro singing at the Moon
this, a dream ringing inside

dreams are made for dreaming
building bridges between stars
the real they don´t have to become
just shine brightly
as visions warm and bright
to keep the heart alive
in winter´s cold
autum´s rain
summer´s heat
spring´s passion
a bridge to dance
from star to star
i dream, dream, dream
and love the constellations´ songs

~~ Arigatou, Lucy to Natsu! ;D

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

the music is set
storms rise and tear leaves
all is golden and bright
under grey skies
and in misty rain
the dance is set
brief and red
stormy and peaceful
the enter to exit
brief and red

Friday, September 7, 2012

Db 21

A rough patch. Days, not aware how many desperetly clinging to my bed. Fewerish dreams. Him. News, Sode has left, wherebouts unknown, unable to detect in my current condition. Symptoms: disintegration, mental confusion, flow, mind-induced abnormalaties - 3-D hallucinations. No soun...

Db fell onto her desk and trough it, then somehow regained herself, but fell unconciously to the floor as a result of overexertion.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

A certain sadness. All keeps repeating and ... for a moment I feel down, or lower and soon forget, move on, until it happens again. FMA episode 7 didn´t help either :P Just... some things you can only wish, or sort of cultivate the ground for it.. but never make that happen yourself and I am one of the sad and stupid ones, who are waiting... :) Anyways, not here now, but other amazing things are, so again - the positive me or better to say - desperatly trying to stay/ be positive :P :D

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

.. studying, anything.. bed. So the schoolyear has begun. The summer has left me a half-zombie with a twitching left eye, blowing red stuff out my nose, unable to sleep the full night, with a frequently aching head and alive - so all is well. New courses are amazing and the oldie too, really. So besides been completely worn out I´m enjoying the moment and ... being stupidly me-ish as allways :P :D
& my b-day went "fine", meaning BEST EVER - lots of lovely wishes and presents, including a b-day card with Luffy. *_* -reaction followed with happiness :)
So - all is pretty well balanced and I am sleepy.
& happy beginnings/journeys/ arrivals to You all! ~~ me off to bed :P :D

About Me Seen and Unseen