Saturday, November 26, 2011


laulud seinadele
sõnumid tuulele endale
pilliroole sajanditeks
kurtidele kõrvadele
mahedad ja soojad
südamest läbi.
need tuuled
taas lõkkele söed
kunagi kellegil,
praost kitsast
umbsesse ruumi
toovad tagasi maailma
värvi ja lõhna
- seega sosista
laula tähtedele
närbunud väljadele

Monday, November 21, 2011

Helelilla unistus

mis see on
... soojus, rõõmust mullitav
naerev, valjusti ja valesti laulev
pisarsilmi rinnust kinni hoidev -
sest süda tänust on üle voolamas!
mina, üksi, kuid õnnelik
sest Sina teed imesid enda teadmata
keegi, kusagil, oled loonud
enda elust andnud osa, jaganud
~vaid lained meres, säbarad õrnukesed
üll taevas helelilla, roosa
pilvelintide kaisus helekollane kuu ehk Full Moon wo Sagashite, loojatest ja loojangust rõõmsast :)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Anime... is my supporter, the shoulder of the Other. Japanese studies are a pathway to a greater understanding of all around me. Writing is the fast way to load off weight from my shoulders, so I could walk on as fast as I can like always do. Drawing is something I can not do without slowing down, facing myself. Singing, cooking, building a farm, writing books, having a family - are my dreams. I want to fulfill the wishes of my heart and bring out my full potential as a creative being. And the last, but not least - things, they are my silent partners on this journey. Thank You. People.. are like stars above. Hopefully, someday... they´ll be closer, here.
eternal night
afraid of starry skies
the loneliness
in the cold
when no one comes
sees, listens
to these words brewing
brimming over
only curse!
that they
remember, know
fools, thy angels
devilish deeds
pure hearts
hurt, deeply hurt
cold as stars

Mustade ja valgete vahelt
punane niit jookseb läbi
tule ja lume üheks seob

- Jah, ma olen veel Blood Masshiro
2. üritus saadetud, seal mainitud Eleegiat ... kätketud mu valu ja unelmad, mu väikene rõõm ka :)
keegi mulle väga kallis läheb oma kire järel kaugele kaugele - soovin talle unistuste täitumist ja vaimustavaid elamusi! ning endale veel selliseid SMSe
Õeke andis esimese raadiointervjuu............. tahan rohkem teada sellest!!! Mind mainiti ka vist, seega - mul õigus teada! ;D :D Luv ju tuu :D :D :D

Oeh, uni. Teine kohvipäev, täna 3 tassi 3-in-1, ema käis külas, kodu sai koduks. Õnnelik ja rahul ja ... vihasena juksivat internetti kiruv - mina. Sinule :D Head ööd soovin, st ;)

Monday, November 14, 2011

People, who you let the closest can hurt you the most. Blindly cut.And stamp over you blindly over and over again. & I accept these cuts as I walk trough this life very much like a passageway of thorny most beautiful roses!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

3003 pageviews, Arigatou!

Uuesti elamise õpik lõpulaul pani mind uuesti mõtlema, et One Piece on hikikomori´dele mõeldud uuesti oma toast väljaspool elama hakkamise õpik. Nojah, kui paljud oskavad sellele asjale nii vaadata, kuid minu jaoks küll - suur positiivse energia hulk, sotsialistlikud-humanistlikud ideaalid üsnagi tobenaljakas kaasakiskuvas pakendis. I likes, even then it is all an anime machine

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A child holding a mirror

blinded by the light shown
eaten inside by the fear
to face the scared child crying
Time may pass, eons may
come and go with
Suns dying and being born again
the tears just keep on flowing
What was it torn from my hands
did someone betray my trust
- lightning has stroked from the blue
nothing will ever be the same again
Face wet of tears I smile my faint smile
for in this night have seen stars
dashing over the sky
When the day comes
for me to open the door into the light
I´ll bear this shine in my heart
this light brighter then the Sun itself
blinded by the light shown
embracing the fear inside
the child inside, warm and tight
Still if I should fall
those stars remain somewhere
guiding or misleading
all of this painful beauty
never existant truth
My smile was true and so were my tears
fears - I´d say
not knowing much
clasping to someone´s hand
who refuses to let me go
and come
- witches´ circle, isn´t it?

Written (singing in my mind) with the ending´s tune of Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica ringing in my head - good stuff btw ;) ? I guess I am going back. Existence without them.. is empty / Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica 12 episodes total finished/
Mustade ja valgete vahelt
punane niit jookseb läbi
tule ja lume üheks seob

Kõhkluste tuules soovin seista
eemal abistavast käest
kukkuda, kui pole valmis
hukkuda, kui see mu tegude hind
Liha mullaks, muld õunaks
tants tulle, rahu lumme
indigosinine öö


Sina seal ja mina siin
me vahel okastest sein
mõlema valu ja hirm
Sajab vihm, mis mitte kunagi ei saja/ Kõik on võõrad


Sina seal ja mina siin
me vahel okastest sein -
mõlema valu ja hirm
Läbi pisarate teineteist ei näe
jookseme mööda ja läbi
maskidega mängime
Hinged kärisevad sees


Sina seal ja mina siin
me vahel okastest sein
- mõlema valu ja hirm
Läbi pisarate me teineteist ei näe
jookseme mööda ja läbi
maskidega mängime
Pimedate käes on tuli ja noad
valust valu võrsub
valgust virvatulest ei erista
mu kartlik käsi, mis su külge
klammerdub, viimane lootus
oled mul sina
Valudes, hirmust painatud
okastest verel hoian ma sinust
Sa pole ei tõde ega vale
oled sa ulm või needus
- sa oled siin, teine
kes kannatab ja kahtleb
või on seal teistpool

Reaktsioon: 08/11/2011 16:48 salvestatud, avaldatud 14.08 20.11.11

Saturday, November 5, 2011

A Super Day

Doing a lot of things, but having help. Reading and still having time to watch a movie and even do research in EBSCO. Unbelievable ! But SO TRUE :D

It truly is... :D

Friday, November 4, 2011

3 : One Piece

1 Control
2 Anarchy
3 Principles

Ps watching the first movie and oh, it is OLD! :D and carries messages, like

_ Do not trample on others dreams
_ If you want to be strong, be strong!

From anime, important symbols
_ A Pirate
_ A Pirate Flag
_ Inherited Will
_ Nakama
_ Following Your Dreams

A great summary

& to those interested and wanting know more - this is one of my baccalaureate´s graduation paper´s topics and I think I am going to post some ideas here as well :)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

WOW! A Great One Piece video!

made for a song competition, very well made I think - but remember, a fan speaking here, I remember the context and I used to cry so much when watching the sad parts ... . So much goodness in one thing, marvellous. Whoaah :D

Meat Loaf

One of my favorite CDs is his simply the best 1999 (Epic). An oldie. Amazing. The whole album is like of those songs that play at the backround of movie ending titles, there is the sense of completion, only without the movie :P :D
A hint of contents a fav among fav, b´cause it is somehow really uplifting and positive -
Midnight at the Lost and Found

"Unrequited love" textbook

I finished the "Unrequited love" textbook tonight. Named Honey and Clover, igas osas KOLM väga head laulu, ja rohkem ei oskagi õelda. Liiga hea. Üks parimaid. In love with it. Tsutto

A Bleach-moment . . .

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I did it!
I just got SHOCKED. The ceiling, the floor... which is which? And it was a good surprise.
/.../ for you might be the black rich soil
covered by white snow
or are you the night
filled with falling flakes? /.../

Mawaru no hi

Everything happens for a reason
even when since then
the reflection in the mirror
cuts like shredded glass
under your feet
I will not dream of the future
I will not cry over the past
or break all promises given
I´ll just keep on walking
be the footprints I leave behind
red of blood or not
The unfamiliar face will someday
be familiar again, the skin natural to wear
Flowers sprout from where you step
in souls of those around
and the colors of their petals
shall at one day blend into white

For now I am OK walking
not knowing, being foolish and wrong
being mistaken or unnoticed
cut out or pulled in, above or under
makes no difference
for all spins and I don´t like standing still
... still, I ask -
is it wrong for me to want that someone
would understand me, see me as I am
not as they think I am...

Watching Honey and Clover, having a phrase in my head - mawaru no hi... õigesti kirjutatult "mawaru hi". Mulle meeldib "no" poolt tekitatav paus, õhk, ruum, katkestus. Mitte minna sõgedana edasi, vaid korra seisatada ja ...

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