Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Augusti viimane õhtu

Täna sain sellest teada, et täna nii on.. TV3st, enne Forrestere. Jaman siin kooliasjadega, täna kanjipäev. Varsti töötan jälle nati esseekäikudega, kuid jah, keskendun One Piece´le ja juhtideeks on oni no ko ehk "deemonite lapsed", keda kõnealuses animes on kolm. Kenasti sobib teaduslikuks raamiks üks ingliskeelne oniraamat ja kõik sujubki :D & kanji on lahe.
Nüüd mõned augustimõtted:
- Õunapuud näevad öösel tähistaeva moodi välja, ainult et nad on lähemal ja suuremad
- Sõjavägi pole lilleline, vaid roosiline - õigete saabasteta saavad jalad valu
- Kergem on eirata, olla eemalhoidev, keskenduda fassaadile, vaadata kõrvale - keeruline on hoolida, olla seotud, märgata sisemist, vaadata otse otsa. Elu on raske, hoolimatagi. Natuke aega süda nutab, hiljem seda enam ei kuule. Mõni äkki kunagi kuulab...
- Tuhkatriinud, pange end valmis - on kõrvitsaaeg! Ime on nurgataga ja ootab hetke, et sa teda ei märka ning äkki on maailm uus. I m e l i ne , lihtsalt imeline :)
- must ja valge, liblikas ja roos, kuu ja vikerkaar -

... hoides muresid süles kui mänguhimulisi kassipoegi
süüdates valgust ikka ja jälle tuulises toas, vihkamata tormiilma
kõndides vikerkaartel ja jalutades Eedeni aias, löömata teisitimõtlejaid risti
austades vaenlast, meest head teispool kellegi tõmmatud piiri
inime imeline imede seas, tähe vend, oja õde - armasta, üdini
ümber käe on seotud kee, tants läheb lahti läbi pilvede, päikesed naeravad
- on augusti viimane õhtu, sume sumisev, kuskil on lasud, kusagil sünd
punaseid niite veab päike, pisaratega peseb saatus, pühadust pärjab
õitsev tõelisus, karm ja uhke, õrn ja hooliv, kassikesed süles, lõngakerad veeremas
veerele, alla, üle, sisse, pilveniinde valevasse ....

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Konverentsilt tagasi kodus, konspektideta, taastuvate närvidega, imeliste mälestustega ja süllepugeva koerakesega ning lakkamatu (no, pisikesi pausikesi pidava*) vihmaga. Üldkokkuvõttes on kõik hästi. Saan selle essee kuidagi ka märkmeteta tehtud, veidi aega veel on. Saan siin olla. Hingel on hea. Päevakübarad, floksid, peiulilled, saialilled, kuldkaer, petuuniad ja roosa nelkroos... mets, arooniad - mu kodused ja vihmapladin... mõtted. A-neljad täis mõttekäike, ahelaid ja tuge, pisikest lihtsat ja armast - päikesekiiri :) Vihmal pole täna kurba häält.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Kaks peotäit lilli

Sain täna varajase sünnipäevakingi - kaks peotäit lilli, osa neist vaasi värvikirevateks bukettideks (soojad beebiroosad pellargoonid ja kollased-oranzid saialilled), osa neist alge oma väikesele potimajandusele (tumelilla-erkfuksiaroosa ja valge ja helerohelise kirju lehega kirinõgesed ning saialilleseemned), mida võimaldab uue korteri lai aknalaud ja seda lõunakaare köögikeses. Kirinõgesed, pellargoonid, kotike saialilleseemned - see on mu tõeline varandus... Märgilise tähendusega on A3 mapp ja selle sisu, mis täna konstruktiivset kriitikat sai - Ta ju ses asjas mu partner :D Nosima nüüd. Küll kirjutan jälle, pikemalt, aga praegu magus, ajutoit ja õppetöö.
... et õnnistus ei kleepuks keele külge

Pole mu kimp, kuid.. ilus! ~

Friday, August 19, 2011


eg the reason, why I am writing. Stuck in the library behind the computer, blog open, rain sounding off the windows. Music. Another wrk day, hopefully the walls&paint takeoff. Second time - the first was in the hostel, pants turned inside out and oh yes, an other pair of new fantastic ones got bleached from black to rusty red. Those were the days, the utmost stupid and fun and terrible ones.
I saw the Star of those days at Freedom Square the other day, he has gotten older. Suiting to a star, he was wearing yellow. Pretty tall for an elfy still.
Past days.. Coelho. Alchemist and then The witch of Portobello. I guess I am quite high on that dangerous stuff right now. Dangerous, because it woke up something dorment and a tat scary.
Anyways, today is about paint and a busride in the opposite direction.
And rain.
Happy rainbows,

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


... saw my brother and the Dalai lama and are happy.

Monday, August 15, 2011

In Tallinn!

I have a dog in my place or some days, quite odd to have the little ctitter in the big town - mom is here too, but she is not afraid of the traffic (she is only when driving), some wallpaper is down, the moon was golden tonight and there are bats, Ni! And THE candies in Kaubaait ;) So, off again, a walk trough the Old Town home.
All the best,

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Haiglate, vanadekodude jms selliste asutuste aedades peaks olema palju päevakübaraid, sest need meeldivad väga liblikatele. Nendes aedades ei tormata ringi, ei diskusseerita valjult - seal ollakse, vaadatakse. Näiteks päevakübaratel toimetavaid liblikaid.

Lapsed! Nii, olgu neid lilli kõikjal. Liblikaarmastajaid võib ju leida kõikjalt, kärarikkast lasteaiahoovist ja bossanovast helisevast kohvikust - silmapaar, eemalolev, pilk lillel ja liblikal.

Augustihommik aiast V´13811

Friday, August 12, 2011

ONE PIECE vaadatud!

I watched the last episode out today, tomorrow the new one... OMG, I made it :D
Tiiger/ Tiger 8-4 Bud Blake
- my point exactly! and I think, that it does not!
+ you can eat´em :D

-oh, kuidas te kasvate päikese poole .. olen kaugele jäänud. Siin... aga on päikesekarva lilled


Walking on broken glass - it was on the radio, the volume went up - fav song. Annie Lennox. Warm music, sunshine golden orange.


A True Loli Day - have been drawing like crazy and I am loving it :D
Blog remodelling ~~
the photo behind the blog title and yes, I love coffee. Coffee, chocolate, cacao, (summer)flowers and oranges - warmth.
I have to gobble up my sadness if I want to advance and say "thank you for the meal". Now I start to see the way ahead.
"Eating is life", dancing is Joy ;)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

August The Eight
- me going. Absolutely. Not Buddhist, but there is something in Him or I want there to be. People need people like that :)

I had a WONDERFUL AMAZING SUNNY SHINY day with Sissy, huge thanks! & there are pictures ;)

~~drew, something nice :) I got my groove back, who knows for how long - and I bet Sissy has to do with that. Something very good got me out from my gloom :D

Speaking of gloom, there was a shooting in our Ministry of Defence today. Mappō - what is it actually? What notion is called so? Changes, rapid periods of nothing staying the same, inside has been silently becoming something else and it is surfacing, like crust of The Earth shifting - so it feels to me. Chilling, terrifing and unfamiliar. Changes. Things can not stay the same, there was no balance, there have always been people unhappy ... adjust, change too ... maybe water shows the hidden heart - a beautiful caption of a beautiful song by Enya. So it may be. Shiny, after a storm. Fresh.

I saw rain fall in sunshine today. Bright, light and touching, it fell on my heart and soul.. the autumn wind! too... Time of Abundance.

August is here - enjoy it. The velvet nights and most beautiful clouds, wild berries and harvest, plums and thornberries.. enjoy. Watch. Smell. Shiver in wind, sweat in heat. Walk in the rain. Mark the thunder changing the weather. Be, care, share, my Stars.

All the best,

Ps Keefir, mõtlen Sulle. Saadan põldmarju ja soovin jalutuskäike Sõrvel

Psps the gloom might have had to do with the lack of sunshine in the past days, I sort of work on solar energy :P

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Cappa Cappa COFFEE!!!!!!!!!

Funny - keitai still sounds a bit weird and THE weirdest: I know what it means :D
Beautiful - Sissy´s latest blog entry:
Tulime, kaugelt, lähedalt,
meie endi südametest,
indigosinisest ööst,
veripunasest ehast,
koidiku säravast valgest,
kahekesi, hoidmas käest..

from ~~
Lively - "15 ühepäeva kohvikut Kärdlas"
Circle - me and mom helped the Öland´s storyteller get from Triigi to Kuressaare, so he could go to my connections of the previous phase (greenie)
Grateful - my friend, who took me in in Kärdla and around the Café Town
& Faith, Lolita´s and books + imagination, marvellous IMAGINATION :)
Step - my room´s wallpaper chosen&bought
Positive! - she is going to live in the next room :D

BBJ&Tiny Cantarelli, The Day of One Hundred Ice Creams, Passerbys´ "Pretty"-s, Shade of M-Tree, "The Family Of Light Turned Night To Day" aka *schoolplay* meaning Ghostwhisperer´s last? episode - connnotion with Bleach´s first episode´s *truck* :P, Time with Kitty + THE SADDEST episodes of One Piece watched crying, one pack of tissues per episode
~~~so I have had wonderful experiences and some sad since the last post, catching up done here with a peculiar sensation inside...

& ~~wishes of smiles, sun and rain,

Monday, August 1, 2011

all the blues and reds
shine after rain
washed, no dust
like silver taken out
to be polished
glisten berries
under trees
silver and china
of great halls

About Me Seen and Unseen