Saturday, April 16, 2011

Naeran vaikselt... olek: täitsa "tuulest viidud" (ingliskeeles kõlas vägagi "intrigeerivalt"). Sai eile vaid 4 h magatud, kohvi joodud ja siis... oma arust korralikult "tuulatud". SM loeng oli meeldiv, keegi ei olnud seal ees kohe üldse närvis (ei märganud) ja jah... hea oli, ülilühidalt öeldes. Loengust JAFFile - toredad inimesed, toredad "mängud" ja vau, milline film. Tänud jälle Ni´le, kes kaasa vedas. Korraks taas lahvatas eriti eredalt soov saada animeteadlaseks, uimasti v miski muu... Kasemahl on tegude listis koos eksamite positiivse läbimisega - natuke hirmutab see aja kiire käestminek, aga saan hakkama. Trust fate ;)

~~valge kleit

Monday, April 4, 2011

... lausa paari päeva tagune :)

Kevad on kui väike loom, kes endale lumme varjupaigakese, urukese teeb. Väike, häbelik, poeb peitu. See pisike loomake aga kasvab ja vajab üha suuremat urgu, kuni ta on suur ja julge ega vaja enam uru varju. Siis ta vaatab meile oma sinilillesilmadega otsa ja naeratab oi kui soojalt :D

~~ehk mu maja ees oli lumes auguke, mis üha kasvab ja lumi selle ümber vajub üha enam lõssi ning kui valjult vesi niriseb, soliseb, vuliseb ja kui valjult linnud lõõrivad!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

What a morn!

Coffee, actually existing breakfast/ brunch, a headfull of tears (The Koran is not just a book), Awe´s "Ootan" (I likes -> "tore on end oma ajastu lapsena tunda" I thought, when seeing my own current surroundings on youtube) and then my sis, who magically (mahou desu!) reads my mind ;) my msn does not save conversations so I was sad, because she wrote something really beautiful for me yesterday*, actually very very early today. & why in English? Don´t get use to it ;) I am on a secret agenda on giving not Estonian speakers a reason to study Estonian, we´re a small nation, got to stay alive :D

Jätkub! Ring fm uudiste vahendusel sain teada, et mu kunagine sensei on Pokumaa uus boss :D

Lihtsalt pean selle lisama :P Luuletus aastast 2008 vist, PWC-ajast .. saate aru küll, miks lisama pean :P Trigger :)


Black birds over jazminetrees
by black birds over jazminetrees

white blossoms still fragrance insidious craze
oh, must the petals be so fair must catch the glance
seems like crystal a bloom known and harmless
one is told to be lost - urtext, my flyleaf is anatomized
they search for my pages, one they find, call The One
why is it so, my love?
an innocent child picked a death angel, grass covers her skin,
a green dress, keeping warm, forever May she is called
a lost child, my love - walking calm on the sand, amidst the pines
a twist, my love - she, only she, saw my face
a picture passed by
my legs black soft black cat sitting on water
all blue, white clouds - somewhere, a walk away a white world
broad day clear i rise opposite direction my destination what lies there?
a trail, as all other - leading home, my love
my world is me a tormented heart i run from me, even us
i stand night around moon, my moon bright as you, voiceless..
black birds are here, do not worry, no loneliness, dear
whisp across my marble garden, a shuttle breeze
if sadness should settle, they dance a beauty, a world for my smile
- is it truly so precious, my love?
i will go now, pick the peaches, lemons, pomegranates -
dawn, see - fishermen go and come, nets filled with silver fish
to the children, my sweetest, my best i carry, to the market to exchange
for their reasonless moods, stories running wild like kittens on curtains,
boundless dreams, we did dream too, my love..
i will be back - with seeds of flowers, seas and skies in my hands
from the hearts, hands of mothers and fathers,
for Our garden to grow, flourish forever.
i´ll return, my love
oh, what a beautiful morn!

Friday, April 1, 2011

grey is the day and all in me
faded and calm
winds blowing, branches moving
a sparrow sitting in the cold
not waiting... just sitting
pale dusk and U2
habits have changed
something hasn´t
i wish, it had
branches grey grow buds
the wick is green
beneath this ... waiting
beneath this snow lies grass
oh, the green is coming!

About Me Seen and Unseen