Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Spring nearing

This blog seems dead.. I just have had too much life on my hands, messy, smelly, heavy life. And no 24/7 Internet access and emotions and decisions and and and yeah, in short: life :)

I do write, but a little and as a surprise to myself - into a notebook. I´ve disliked the oldschool way for years, but having a friend ask me "Have you written anything?" almost every week and a fever did the trick and now I use a notebook and .. keep a diary. All what we have to do to stay alive.. crazy things, messy, stinky things... .

And I am worried about my English.. I have a small reason for it.. anyways.. LIFE. And maybe I am just a really lousy blogger.

Btw I haven´t written any poetry for a while now.. but here it goes :)

One step further, two steps back
No peace granted, just unravelling music
Stumbling upon songs, diving into moments
Wet to the bone, blood a different red
for there is more Sun than ever
or did .. oh yes, I came trough the night
and found a morning bright, shiny and warm
As stupid as ever, knowing absolutely nothing
Disasters brewing and hopefully flowing away
melting with rest of the winter
leaving memories of beauty, pain, past
simply past
Now is now. Fresh and sharp. Simply

Written listening to U2 and in gratitude to my second favourite band and all others, who have kept me warm ;)


  1. :) Nooh, sa oled palju parem blogija kui mina, kes on neid 10 tükki alustanud ja rekord on vist mingi 5 postitust :D


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