Monday, January 16, 2012

The right to be Safe

The last day of homestudy, tomorrow I am off to flunk an exam and after that hopefully pass one too. Yeah, the capital feels less like home than my Mom´s house - in a small town by a small forest on a relatively small island with a TV and a fully operating functioning computer and a dog. & I really love my Mom. & every view of those windows. Incredible.. I have stayed here most of the time last .. month, a month. Probably one of the longest stays since I started uni and RAK too.. wintertime of course. One of the hardest too, my granny´s heart attack and.. she is in the hospidal now, again. A cold, yes.. but a cold after a heart attack. It is a dark subject, b´cause I ´ve never been on the best of terms with her and I am not the only one. She is a tough stubborn lady, who can make things hard. OMG the genes! So that explains my ... characteristics. But still she is dear to me and I wouldn´t let anyone hurt her. Old people can be tough to handle, they can make things hard for themselves and those around them, but they deserve to be safe from harm. Most important - to be happy, but yes.. not on the cost of everybody´s misery around them. Now I can understand some things that I used to puzzle over.. and I want to be happy and bring happiness into the lives of those around me, but.. I still have the right to be upset, angry and sad and the right to show it. Struggle trough the hard times and see the world brighten up like nature does after rain. Oh, I must go study. & my power playlist is about done too, Bink´s Sake is about to end. Done :D Cya!

~~Evening~~ (the earlier was written.. earlier) ~~ I am setting up a homestudy day for tomorrow, feels great :D

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