Saturday, July 2, 2011

Perfect state / Perfect Seven


Perfect state
by Helina

I lean back as the perfect seven

Hands holding on to the boom

Look ahead to the desired direction

When the wind changes,

You change your position to stay

On the board and keep your balance

You adjust the sail to the wind and cope with the waves

Being as changing and unpredictable as the wind and the water

And still sail only to reach that single mark

You begin to mumble on your own

You spend time alone with the nature and yourself

You start with learning and survaling all around

Develop a relationship with the wind and the water

- talks with the elements -

The ones, who decide your faith and victory

And give trough time and commitment the greatest gift –


Karole sussirahasaaga a’al 1097

1 comment:

  1. About the decisionmakers :) Terry Pratchet The Sound f Magic? A board of chess, The Lady in Green


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